Science Library

Improving the quality of service and satisfaction of our users is the main guideline of the work of the Scientific Library of JSC "ATU". The implementation of the university's educational programs is ensured by free access of students to library collections, computer technologies, information databases, including international sources hosted in the EBS.

Today, the library's collection has more than 940,000 copies in printed form, including educational and scientific publications designed to meet the needs of the educational process, academic education and research, databases of university teachers' works, reference and fiction, periodicals, 10,000 copies are updated annually new publications and serves more than 8 thousand readers - these are not only students, but also faculty, researchers, teaching and support staff, other categories of university staff (the total area of the library is 2168.9 sq.m., 2 subscriptions, 4 reading rooms, 2 electronic resource centers with a total number of seats - 390 + reading rooms in dormitories).

The library generates its own electronic resources and integrates licensed external resources (such as EBSCO-USA, ZNANIUM-Moscow, LAN-St. Petersburg, IPR SMART-Saratov, ID "GREBENNIKON" - Moscow, "Wiley", RMEB, RNTB, Gylym Ordasy - Kazakhstan), see Contracts with EBS in the "Unified Catalog" based on the automated library system "MARK-SQL". The volume of electronic full-text resources of national and foreign databases is over 110,000 documents. ATU Scientific Library

Every year the library registers more than 400 thousand visits, issues up to 800,000 copies of books, magazines, newspapers. More than 300 titles of periodicals in Kazakh and Russian are being purchased. In 2000, an Internet hall was opened in the library, later transformed into a Center for electronic resources, which are visited annually by more than 20 thousand users to independently search for information using new information technologies. For students with disabilities, such as "IPR SMART" is available - a special standalone program for non-visual access to information WV-Reader IPRbooks for mobile devices, which allows you to work with special books without visual contact. Students and teaching staff are served in the traditional and online mode via the Telegram chat channel "The library is in touch"

In order to comply with the principles of academic honesty, the Scientific Library checks the written work of students for the amount of borrowing in the «Antiplagiat» (Contract) in accordance with the «Rules for checking written works for the presence of borrowings and their placement in an automated library and information system MARK-SQL»

The Scientific Library strives to maximize the use of its rich information potential by readers. For these purposes, a lot of information work is being carried out — these are book exhibitions, an information bulletin for each department, open literature reviews, a virtual exhibition Bulletin of  New literature.

Due to the close relationship of the library with the departments of the university, where a subject librarian is attached to the subject area, “Days of the department in the scientific library” are held, a Map of methodological support is compiled jointly, and applications and purchases for the necessary literature for the educational process are studied with students (“Ask the librarian”). which has led to an improvement in the quality of acquired information resources, the library is constantly in search of new technologies and methods of work aimed at helping the educational process and the education of students.

How to find us?

Addresses of the Scientific Library:

Kazakhstan, 480012

Almaty, Tole-bi str., 100, ATU

main academic building, 3rd floor;

tel.: +7 (727) 293 53 19 (157, 185)

web site:

chat: "The library is in touch"

Division of the Scientific Library at 348/5 Rayymbek Ave.:

Kazakhstan, 480061

Almaty, Rayymbek Ave.

348/5 ATU building, academic building 3B, 2nd floor;

tel.: +7 (727) 276 97 06 (124)


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from 8:30 to 17:30